Loving Kindness Meditation

This practice originated in the Buddhist tradition. It became a popular form of mindfulness-based meditation in the west to reduce stress, boost the feeling of wellbeing, and increase the sense of belonging and connection with others.

I invite you to find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for a few minutes. Get into a comfortable sited, standing, or reclined position. Close your eyes or soften your gaze on a fixed point. Place your hands on your chest to feel your heart. Take a smooth, soft breath and relax your whole body.

1. While you continue to breathe consciously, bring your attention to your body and your heart. When you are ready, say the words written below out loud or with the inner voice; whichever feels most comfortable to you at the moment:

·       May I be happy

·       May I be healthy

·       May I love with ease

2. Think about people (one person or as many as you wish) that are close to your heart, people that love you, and you love them unconditionally. Then, repeat slowly:

·       May you be happy

·       May you be healthy

·       May you love with ease

3.  Reflect on someone (or a group of people) that you don't know much about, but in some ways, they show up in your life in different situations (a clerk at the grocery store, a postman, or a news reporter). Now, repeat the same phrases:

·       May you be happy

·       May you be healthy

·       May you love with ease

4.  There might be people in your life that you are difficult to love, accept or even forgive. Bring your attention to these people. Continue breathing consciously and stay with your feelings. Then, slowly repeat when you are ready:

·       May you be happy

·       May you be healthy

·       May you love with ease

Keep your eyes closed for another moment. Breathe in love and kindness, breathe out tension and resistance. You are now ready to go back to the world with more peace, light, and love. Remember these feelings and come back to the space in your heart that always holds them for you when you need them.


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